Because I’ve been making updates to Containment and trying to get it filled up with next year’s conventions, I happened to stumble across an old interview that John Joseph Adams did with me on Convention Finder Makes It Easy to Plan Geektastic Getaways. I had completely forgotten that I did it. Backstory: in 2008… Continue reading Interviewed about Containment by John Joseph Adams
Thaumatrope writer open pimp thread
This is an invitation for all writers who have been featured on Thaumatrope to pimp themselves in this thread. Feel free to make it as long as you like, but if your comment contains multiple links then it’s likely to go into moderation (so please be patient while it’s in the queue). Also, pending editorial… Continue reading Thaumatrope writer open pimp thread
I have altered the Star Wars saga…
…pray that I don’t alter it any further. With every new addition George Lucas keeps making tweaks to the Star Wars movies. From the classic “Han shot first” scene and adding Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett in Episode IV, through to his most recent tweaks in the new blu-ray release due to be released… Continue reading I have altered the Star Wars saga…
Containment convention open pimp thread
I’ve repaired some of the twitter scripts, so, this is an invitation for all geek (science fiction, fantasy, horror, anime,steampunk, etc.) conventions to pimp themselves in this thread (and submit their info on Containment). Leave a comment here that tells me why your con is special. Feel free to make it as long as you… Continue reading Containment convention open pimp thread
Looking for conventions
Some of you know that one of the websites that I run is Containment ( At the moment I need people to submit conventions to the site. If you know of a convention intimately enough, or can prod the organizers into doing it, please add your favorite conventions to the site on the consubmit page.
Thaumatrope payments sent
Let me just start by saying that I’m very embarrassed that it took me this long to do this: I’ve sent out every outstanding payment request that I had in my e-mail inbox for Thaumatrope. I’m sorry that it has taken me this long. I hope that I can be forgiven for making the writers… Continue reading Thaumatrope payments sent
Wall Street Journal Interview
I was interviewed by Don Steinberg for an article about Cowboys and Aliens that appeared on The Wall Street Journal: Hollywood Frontiers: Outer Space and the Wild West. He tracked me down from Space and my article on Strange Horizons: The Emancipation of Bat Durston. Here’s the relevant part of the article that was… Continue reading Wall Street Journal Interview
What I learned from Thaumatrope
Brevity is the soul of wit.
I know what I’m gonna do today
If you weren’t already aware of it, go watch Phineas & Ferb. I highly recommend it. Here’s the intro, which sums up the show better than I can: It’s smart, funny, witty, subversive (but not in a crass or mean-spirited way) and speaks to my inner geek. It also has great musical numbers: Yesterday was… Continue reading I know what I’m gonna do today
Warrior Dash PA, 2011
This weekend I ran the Warrior Dash in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania, on the Skirmish paintball fields. Warrior Dash is a 3½-mile run with a dozen obstacles (from mud pits to rope walls) placed along the route. It was a dark, cloudy day, made even more so by the fact that a cloud bank covered the field… Continue reading Warrior Dash PA, 2011