This is an invitation for all writers who have been featured on Thaumatrope to pimp themselves in this thread. Feel free to make it as long as you like, but if your comment contains multiple links then it’s likely to go into moderation (so please be patient while it’s in the queue). Also, pending editorial… Continue reading Thaumatrope writer open pimp thread
Tag: twitter fiction
Interviewed by ErgoFiction
ErgoFiction visitors, welcome! I was interviewed by A.M.Harte at ErgoFiction, a webzine about web fiction. I came to their attention through Thaumatrope. Go comment there→
Twitter fiction is a joke
I published over 400 stories last year. The punchline is that they all averaged 22 words or less. These stories were published on Thaumatrope, the first twitter fiction magazine, and became part of the microfiction revolution and the recent trend of twitter fiction. Yes, they were all stories that were written in 140 characters or… Continue reading Twitter fiction is a joke