What killed Everyday Weirdness?

Everyday Weirdness languished then suffered a brief return from the dead in September 2010, before finally becoming inactive again in December 2010. What finally killed it, like Thaumatrope, was time and money. In retrospect, again like Thaumatrope, I should have pulled the plug, tied up loose ends, and made changes to the website to reflect… Continue reading What killed Everyday Weirdness?

Why blog, why now?

Blogging has been around at least since 1997. The actual term “blog” wasn’t coined until 1999. In 2004 it became Merriam-Webster’s #1 Word of the Year. I even took a stab at a journal on LiveJournal, mainly to keep in touch with friends and writers who were already on it, but I lacked the desire… Continue reading Why blog, why now?

Getting my house in order

You deserve an explanation. An explanation as to why I haven’t, among other things, answered an e-mail, called a friend, attended a convention, or updated any of the fiction markets that I operate (and/or other websites) in quite a long time… I bought a house. This is a good thing! I haven’t died; I’m not… Continue reading Getting my house in order

Darrell Schweitzer on South Park?

Did Darrell Schweitzer, noted Fantasy author, Weird Tales editor, Lovecraft scholar, and Philadelphia native appear in the latest cthulhu/lovecraft themed episode of South Park? Compare to this photo of Darrell by Kathryn Cramer: Watch the episode “Mysterion Rises” and look for him at 16:27 and 18:52. I may be wrong, but they’re eerily similar.

I’m normal!

As of yesterday I’ve trimmed the final few pounds to hit a normal BMI (at 163 pounds)—I’m a size S again. It’s a royal pain to have to go out and buy an all new wardrobe, especially since I’m still trying to lose a bit more weight, but my XL clothes need to be retired.… Continue reading I’m normal!

PhauxCon 2010

I’m going to PhauxCon 2010 this Saturday, and you should too. It’s a small, cozy, (almost secret) one-track con in Philadelphia that is entirely worth going to. It’s only $20 at the door and you can’t beat it for interaction time with the guests. I was there last year where I met Kelly Rowles, L.A.… Continue reading PhauxCon 2010

I’ve lost 30 pounds with 2 easy methods!

If anyone can change me, it’s me. It’s true! As of yesterday I’ve lost 30 pounds in the past 20 weeks. Before—height:5′8″; weight:196.0 lbs; waist:42″; neck:17.5″ BMI:29.9; body fat:~38%; waist-to-height ratio:60.3%; After—height:5′8″; weight:165.4 lbs; waist:33″; neck:16″ BMI:25.2; body fat:~24%; waist-to-height ratio:48.5%; My original goal was to lose 30 pounds in 10 weeks, which I missed,… Continue reading I’ve lost 30 pounds with 2 easy methods!