The Fear List

Since 1993 I’ve been keeping a fear list. A list of quotes, sayings, and proverbs about fear. Here’s what I have so far: A life lived in fear is a life half lived. —Spanish proverb, from Strictly Ballroom A ship is safe in harbor, but that is not what ships are for. —Rear Admiral Grace… Continue reading The Fear List

2018 goals: midpoint

This is the halfway mark. Not much has changed in my initial goals, but I still feel like I’m making decent progress. Additional things have popped up that I’ve had to address, above and beyond my personal goals, so in one sense that may be slowing me down, but in another I’m pretty pleased with… Continue reading 2018 goals: midpoint

2018 goals

It’s 2018. I’m alert and active again. Who knows how long it will last? Here’s a written account of what I promised myself I’d attempt to get done this year… By the end of 2018 I’d like to have: Painted 50 paintings Ran a cumulative 1000 miles Written 50 blog posts (49!) Posted 12 videos… Continue reading 2018 goals


I’m currently entertaining existential and nihilistic thoughts. Chalk it up to too many years of thinking too hard. I have a great family, great friends, great career, great coworkers. I’m a happy and optimistic nihilist. Digging up the past; looking forward. Trying not to hold myself back.  I don’t even know if I want to… Continue reading Alive.

Interviewed about Containment by John Joseph Adams

Because I’ve been making updates to Containment and trying to get it filled up with next year’s conventions, I happened to stumble across an old interview that John Joseph Adams did with me on Convention Finder Makes It Easy to Plan Geektastic Getaways. I had completely forgotten that I did it. Backstory: in 2008… Continue reading Interviewed about Containment by John Joseph Adams

Why blog, why now?

Blogging has been around at least since 1997. The actual term “blog” wasn’t coined until 1999. In 2004 it became Merriam-Webster’s #1 Word of the Year. I even took a stab at a journal on LiveJournal, mainly to keep in touch with friends and writers who were already on it, but I lacked the desire… Continue reading Why blog, why now?

Getting my house in order

You deserve an explanation. An explanation as to why I haven’t, among other things, answered an e-mail, called a friend, attended a convention, or updated any of the fiction markets that I operate (and/or other websites) in quite a long time… I bought a house. This is a good thing! I haven’t died; I’m not… Continue reading Getting my house in order