It didn’t start with Ursula LeGuin, who says in The Wizard of Earthsea that discovering someone’s true name gives you power over them. Since ancient times people would have a secret name, known only to those closest to them. This lives on in our middle names, and every child knows they’re truly in trouble when… Continue reading The Naming
Author: Nathan E. Lilly
2018 goals
It’s 2018. I’m alert and active again. Who knows how long it will last? Here’s a written account of what I promised myself I’d attempt to get done this year… By the end of 2018 I’d like to have: Painted 50 paintings Ran a cumulative 1000 miles Written 50 blog posts (49!) Posted 12 videos… Continue reading 2018 goals
I’m currently entertaining existential and nihilistic thoughts. Chalk it up to too many years of thinking too hard. I have a great family, great friends, great career, great coworkers. I’m a happy and optimistic nihilist. Digging up the past; looking forward. Trying not to hold myself back. I don’t even know if I want to… Continue reading Alive.
My father’s eulogy
My father—born August 30, 1948—passed away on January 12th, 2012 of complications due to lung cancer. This is the eulogy I wrote and read at his funeral. When your father dies, you sit down and think about what they say a father should be and what they say a father should do. There’s an unspoken… Continue reading My father’s eulogy
Science Fiction themed races that must be created
I ran at the Warrior Dash and Run For Your Lives and now I’m becoming obsessed with obstacle runs. Run For Your Lives really opened my eyes to their potential. After giving it some thought, here’s a list of geek themed athletic events that I don’t have the time to make happen but I would… Continue reading Science Fiction themed races that must be created
Introduction to running from zombies
At the request of “Tequila” Matt Black, our reluctant director of mischief: this is a post for Zombie Troopers of Pennsylvania members about how I got started running and about how to get into shape for Run For Your Lives. Matt says that he never runs because he’s not being chased… when the zombies come,… Continue reading Introduction to running from zombies
Running with zombies
I ran in the first ever zombie run—Run For Your Lives—on Saturday, October 22, 2011 outside of Baltimore, Maryland. It was a 5k obstacle run (much like Warrior Dash) with the added difficulty of “live” zombies on the field. Here’s my head-cam video of the run: My race time was 35:34.5 which they say was… Continue reading Running with zombies
The forgotten punk
The ranks of the steampunk genre continue to swell. is wrapping up it’s third annual Steampunk recognition (Steampunk Week, as compared to 2010’s Steampunk Fortnight and 2009’s Steampunk Month), so I thought I’d take some time to pick on a “steampunk” nit. Actually it’s more of a nit that I have with the use… Continue reading The forgotten punk
Jocks + geeks = zombies?
I’ve been getting myself fit for a little over a year now. During this time I discovered obstacle races, like the Warrior Dash and the Spartan Sprint. However, I always thought it’d be cool if someone could combine fitness adventures with geekdom. Well, someone has. I’ve just signed up for the first zombie obstacle run:… Continue reading Jocks + geeks = zombies?
Fake X-files novels
I found these this past weekend on the GreenTentacles servers: Backstory: Keith DeCandido (interview with him on Space Westerns Magazine) was having a bad day with random rumors and he mentioned how in the thread someone was complaining about his X-files novels. Of course, Keith has never written an X-files novel. I made these fake… Continue reading Fake X-files novels