The Naming

It didn’t start with Ursula LeGuin, who says in The Wizard of Earthsea that discovering someone’s true name gives you power over them. Since ancient times people would have a secret name, known only to those closest to them. This lives on in our middle names, and every child knows they’re truly in trouble when… Continue reading The Naming

I like broccoli

I like broccoli—No, it’s true! When I was a little child I didn’t want to eat it. Growing up, my mother never made it fresh—always from frozen and well-boiled. I didn’t like the color of the just-slightly-cooked-too-long broccoli. I wasn’t fond of the way that it flopped on the end of my fork. I was… Continue reading I like broccoli


My first memory is from when I was about three or four. My father woke me up by scratching me with his mustache while trying to give me a kiss on the cheek. He was on his way to his first day at his new job. My first science fiction memory is of seeing Star… Continue reading First!