Hugo Nominees Flipping the Bird

I’m only posting this because it amuses my 12-year-old self… I forget what events transpired leading up to this, but it was at Howard Tayler’s coffee klatsch at Balticon scheduled at 11am, so (theoretically) no alcohol was involved. If I can get other Hugo Nominees to send me images maybe I’ll make a collectible card… Continue reading Hugo Nominees Flipping the Bird


Proof that no one reads the program book biographies (or at the very least, proof that no one read mine)… here’s the bio as I submitted it and as it ran in Balticon BSFAN, the Balticon souvenir program book: Nathan E. Lilly is an unimportant web developer and editor of three online magazines of little… Continue reading BSFAN Fun

Balticon 2010

I had a wonderful time this past weekend at Balticon, as always. I roomed with Lawrence M. Schoen, met Howard Tayler, and was on a panel with Paolo Bacigalupi (among others). Some photos coming soon. I was able to give a reading—a sampling of fiction from Thaumatrope, Everyday Weirdness, and Space Westerns Magazine. It went… Continue reading Balticon 2010