Proof that no one reads the program book biographies (or at the very least, proof that no one read mine)… here’s the bio as I submitted it and as it ran in Balticon BSFAN, the Balticon souvenir program book:

Nathan E. Lilly is an unimportant web developer and editor of three online magazines of little consequence. publishes short stories weekly for a dead-end sub-genre of a genre that is itself dying. Everyday Weirdness publishes weird flash fiction daily in an obscure corner of the Internet. Thaumatrope is the oldest and longest running twitter fiction magazine, and it publishes fiction shorter than this bio on a daily basis. He’ll give $5 to the first person who tells him that they read his bio in BSFAN. In his spare time it’s rumored that he builds websites for SF/F/H professionals via GreenTentacles. I swear, it’s only a rumor.

The $5 went unclaimed.

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