Robert A. Madle, Letters to Magazines

Robert A. Madle c. 1938 From the collection of Robert A. Madle
Robert A. Madle c. 1938 From the collection of Robert A. Madle

Robert (Bob) A. Madle passed on October 8th 2022. He was 102 years old, and a long time science fiction fan. I met Bob just a few years ago, in 2016, when he came to a room party that I hosted at Philcon. We both grew up in the Kensington neighborhood in Philadelphia (more than a few years apart).

He was the last surviving attendee of the first science fiction convention (Philcon 1936).

Bob Madle at the Trek n Toga room party, Philcon 2016 (80th anniversary of the first Philcon in 1936).
Bob Madle at the Trek n Toga room party, Philcon 2016
80th anniversary of the first Philcon in 1936.

Bob Madle, Philcon 2013 GoH

Collected Letters, 1935-1937

Bob Madle was avid contributor to the letters section of science fiction magazines, some of which I’ve gleaned from Weird Tales, Astounding, and Amazing Stories. What I love about these letters is that they become a snapshot of early science fiction fandom.

Criticisms, Appreciations and Desires Editor, AMAZING STORIES: I bought the May issue of AMAZING STORIES today. The best story was "The White City" by Keller. David H. Keller is "the" science-fiction author. I will now make a list of my bests. 1. Best magazine--AMAZING STORIES. 2. Best artist--Frank Paul. 3. Best authors •Keller and Williamson. 4. Best stories "Life Everlasting" and "Legion of Space." 5. Best character-Tain of San Francisco. 6. Best issue of AMAZING STORIES since I have been reading science-fiction was December, 1934, issue. (I started reading science-fiction January, 1934) Here is my list of wants. 1. Smooth edges. 2. Illustrations by Paul, Wesso and Clay Ferguson. 3. Stories by Williamson, Kline, Weinbaum, Wandrei and Burroughs. 4. Regular issues of the Quarterly. I have copies of "Amazing" for sale. Readers interested please write to me for list. Stamp appreciated. Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Pa. (We have had great satisfaction in the work of the artist, Leo Morey. A letter of such definite criticism is very highly appreciated by an Editor, who has the futile desire of pleas. ing everyone.--EDITOR.)
Amazing Stories, August 1935
Edmond Hamilton's Stories Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "I must thank you for securing those masterpieces of science-fiction by Edmond Hamilton. I refer to The Avenger from Atlantis and The Six Sleepers. Don't let the kickers stop you from printing weird-scientific stories. They rank among the best."
Weird Tales, December 1935
He Favors Jessel! Dear Editor: My primary reason for writing this letter is to compliment John Jessel for writing that superb story The Adaptive Ultimate. That story was a classic. -much better than Campbell's or the others. For originality science and interest it was unsurpassable, and it was written by a newcomer, too. my humble opinion, be already ranks with the top-notch authors. I notice many readers asking for the return of Hawk Carse and John Hanson. Why not? also agree with the bunch clamoring for Keller, Wesso and Paul. Wesso and Paul are really good. What happened to the semimonthly plan? I hope you do not publish any more blood-stream stories. The first few were passable, but now thev are monotonous. Here are some suggestions to improve the appearance of Astounding 1. ... Print the authors nictures. 2. Smooth the edges of the magazine. 3. Get Paul. Wesso and Muller to illustrate. 4. Do not be afraid to show bow good you are ! -Robert A. Madle. 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Astounding Stories, February 1936
Brief Briefs Robert G. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "The December issue was a good one though it was five days late. The best stories were those by Hamilton and Howard. You can't print too many stories by chose talented authors to suit me.
Weird Tales, February 1936
Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "Although Coils of the Silver Serpent was an excellent story, it did not belong in WEIRD TALES. It was written well, but I did not find a solitary weird episode in the entire story. The other stories were all good, especially Yvala by C. L. Moore."
Weird Tales, April 1936

In the March issue of Weird Tales (v27n03 p.136), Julius Hopkins had petitioned for the creation of a “Weird Tales” fan club, complete with a sample organizational constitution. One of the restrictions was that members be 18 and over. This was Bob’s response (he was 15 at the time):

No Age Limit  Charles A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "Three cheers for Julius Hopkins. His idea of a WT Club is very good. Most of his suggestions are good, but a few are, so to speak, not so hot. The suggestion that stands out in my mind requirement. Possibly sis being foot is theatge many enthusiastic weird fiction fans are under eighteen years of age. Outside of this and one or two others, the plan is excellent."
Weird Tales, May 1936
A Pleasant Letter of Appreciative Comment Editor, AMAZING STORIES: It seems as if you liked December better than any other month of the year. I say this because the December issues of 1933, 1934 and 1935 had better stories than any other of the past three years. I also think the "comet-tail" title adds to the appearance of good old AMAZING. I have noticed that you are combining issues. Are you going to continue this permanently or are you just skipping a few issues? Where is the serial in the October and December issues? The old "Mag" doesn't seem the same without a serial. I recently started my second year of High School. I have a science-fiction author for the Art Class. His name is Stephen S. Hale. I believe he is going to submit a story for your consideration soon. In comments on a letter signed by Bill Bowling in the December issue, you say that the magazine may be increased in size. Do you mean more pages or is the larger size of page returning? I hope the latter. I am closing with a plea: more stories by Keller and Williamson. ROBERT G. MADLE, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Amazing Stories, June 1936
An Astounding Issue Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "The April issue surprized me; in fact, it astounded me. The stories were so outstanding that I haven't a solitary thing to complain about. Although it is difficult to choose the best story in such a superb issue, I rate Son of Salan by Arlton Eadie the most interesting story in the issue. Although the aforementioned tale was most interesting, Jacobi's The Face in the Wind was the weirdest and most scariest yarn. Brundage's cover design was excellent as usual."
Weird Tales, June 1936
Wesso and Dold Are Back.  Dear Editor: In the current issue, Mathematica Plus stands head and shoulders above the other stories. After reading Fear's creation, I was in a daze. Paradoxes -WOW! But it was an outstanding story and deserves all the appreciation it gets. I can't say the same for the other complete stories that composed the May issue. Doomed by the Planetoid was too hackneyed to suit me. It might have passed as a good yarn in the old days, but it was just a flop to the readers of to-day. The short stories were also hackneyed and Red Storm on Jupiter was the read without stifing a yawn. In the editorial you state that you secure the best stories from the best authors. I think you secure the worst stories from the best authors. Of course, there are many exceptions. I would like to answer the readers: stories have been Alan Beerbower: Many more than three A-1 have been printed. What about Rebirth and Colossus and Colossus Eternal! Willis Conover: Your Schneeman is all Wet. The best story in this issue was illustrated by Schneeman. To the readers calling Rothman a kicker: Rothman is of the old school. He is doing everything within his power to better and advance science fiction. He knocks the doors that need knocking and gives praise where it is deserved. What happened to Wesso? He is missing from the May number. I advise you to get him back pronto. When are you going to give in to the readers and produce David H. Keller? He and Weinbaum are the only authors who consistently turn out good literature. –Robert A. Madle, 333 East Belgrade Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylyania.
Astounding Stories, July 1936
Doctor Satan Getting Better Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "The stories in the May issue of your superb magazine were very good. Doctor Satan seems to be improving. Regardless of contrary remarks, these stories are weird. Beyond Death's Gateway was the weirdest and most interesting of the entire series. When I first read The Room of Shadows by Arthur J. Burks, I didn't think much of it, but I changed my mind upon, rereading it. The Faceless God was well written, but Bloch should have emphasized the weird epi sodes in the story more. To my mind The Druidic Doom was his most outstanding story. The current reprint, The Red Brain, was all I expected it to be, and then some. I'll wager that no one would think that that short masterpiece was written by a seventeen-year-old lad. It was Donald Wandrei's first and best story, his supreme triumph."
Weird Tales, July 1936
An Ace Issue  Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "The June WEIRD TALES was another ace issue. Everything composing it was good. The cover was the weirdest Margaret Brundage ever did. The Count looks as weird and uncanny as Dracula himself. Loot of the Vampire was an excellent piece of fantastic fiction. Thorp McClusky surely has what it takes His first story ranks as my. favorite in the current issue. Hugh Davidson's House of the Evil Eye closely follows Mr. McClusky's yarn. I recognized Doctor Dale as one of the chief characters of The Vampire-Master, published a few years back. The other stories were all good, especially Black Canaan."
Weird Tales, August/September 1936
Weinbaum's "Proteus Island", Dear Sir Without the slightest bit of doubt, the August issue is the best yet. If every forthcoming issue equals the present one, Astounding will be nearer to perfection than any other magazine ever has been. Although every story composing the issue was above average, I unhesitatingly pronounce Weinbaum's Proteus Island the star story. I have given first place to every Weinbaum authored story that has yet appeared, and my record has not been broken. The G-man stories in this issue. everywhere else, so why not Astounding? I would like to see more of Arthur Curtis, the hero of Black Light. A Leak in the Fountain of Youth lived up to the reputation of Scandal in the Fourth Dimension. Miss Long is runner-up to Stanton A. Coblentz when it comes to satire. More from Miss Long's pen, please. Wallace West's return to science-fiction W&S made conspicuous by his excellent short story En Route to Pluto. I will never forget his story, which was based on mythology; Golden Fleece, I believe, the title was. Schachner's Return of the Murians was another nifty yarn. I have yet to read a lower-than-average story by Nat Schachner. Mercury, like the preceding articles of Campbell's series, contained a wealth of information. The illustrations of Wesso were magnificent. I like the idea of double-page illustrations; continue them, by all means. Why not divide the art work evenly between Wesso and Dold? My pet aversions are Clifton B. Kruse when he writes these so-called action stories and the readers hollering for editorial comments after the letter in the readers' department. They should realize that if we have editorial comments, the number of letters printed will necessarily be less than before. Keep up the good work, Mr. Editor. -Robert A Madle. 333 E. Belgrade Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
Astounding Stories, October 1936
Another de Grandin Tale  Robert A. Madle of Philadelphia, writes: "Necromancy in Naat was a good story, beautifully illustrated by Virgil Finlay: His fantastic drawings are in fitting wich the magazine-they are weird. Without a shadow of a doubt Virgil Finlay is your best interior artist. De Lay, your re. cent addition, is also good. Robert E. Howard's latest Conan adventure takes first place. I have yet to be displeased by Howard, and I hope he never stops writing for WEIRD TALES. Second place goes to that unusual yarn, The Unborn. This story presents a decidedly weird plot excellently written. It is a great improvement over Ronal Kayser's previous contributions. The other tales were very good, especially Lost Paradise by C. L. Moore. Moore never fails to please me with those beautiful tales of Northwest Smith. Do you realize that there hasn't been a Jules de Grandin story in the last six issues and next month's forecast doesn't boast of one either? You had better rectify the situation and secure one soon." [Cheer up, Mr. Madle, for two new tales of Jules de Grandin will appear soon, with cover designs by Margaret Brundage.-THE EDITOR.]
Weird Tales, October 1936
Our Eery Yarns Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "For the past two and one-half years WEIRD TALEs has pleased me with its eery yarns of vampires, ghouls, monsters, barbarian ad. venturers, with its stories of science, rocket flights and alien dimensions; in fact I have liked practically every story you have printed. The August-September issue did not detract from your reputation of being The Unique Magazine but added to it. G. G. Pendarves' Werewolf of the Sahara is the story which appeals most to me in the current issue. Robert E. Howard's Conan adventure takes second place. Weird fiction has lost one of its best authors in the death of Howard."
Weird Tales, November 1936
DISCUSSIONS In this department we shall discuss every month topics of interest to readers. The editors Invite correspondence sublets directly or indirectly related to the stories appearing In this magazine.  A Most Amusing Letter, Not Really Scolding Editor, AMAZING STORIES: I staggered drunkenly and leaned up against the magazine store window for sup port. No, I wasn't suffering from hallucinations or disillusions-_there it was, the June issue of AMAZING. I immediately rushed in and purchased it. The reason for my surprise was the date only March 27. I believe this establishes a record of some sort imagine it, March 27, almost a week ahead of time. I wish AMAZING would arrive at the newsstands early every issue. The stories as usual were all excellent, outstanding or what have you. As for the star story in this issue I choose "The Isle of Juvenescence." Although the idea isn't exactly original, Olsen's method of exchanging brains is. Switching brains by means of the fourth dimension--that is original. Closely following comes "Luvium Under the Sand." Any reader who complains about the lack of action and human interest in the magazine after reading this tale should be disintegrated or haunted by some dimensional monstrosities. "When the Meteor Struck" was an interesting short, but I have a complaint to make against this yarn. Excerpted from page 77, line 4. "Of major planets, this system has eight in addition to numerous satellites 99 I credit Mr. Burt with more intelligence than he displays in this story. In fact I'm sure he unintentionally made this obvious mistake. Possibly it is the printer's fault but someone is to blame. A juvenile reader who doesn't have any knowledge of solar system, would be under the impression, after reading this tale, that there are only eight planets. I am sure it was an unintentional mistake. "The Sword of Akalah"__-usual stuff. Bad peoples will not believe what poor hero tells them, thus sending him to the "bug house." The excellent writing made up for the hackneyed plot however. Deserves and needs a sequel. Is my face red? Among the letters in this month's discussions is one from Willis Conover, Jr., who protests against readers using the term "mag." In the same issue is a letter from yours truly using the aforementioned term. Taking the cover into consideration; the scene and colors--very good. Who says Morey isn't improving? His inside illustration for "The Sword of Akalah' was a masterpiece. It was drawn perfectly to the smallest detail. I ask you Dr. Sloane, how would you feel if the printer made a mistake and wrote B. O'Connor Slane Ph. D. editor? Well, that is exactly how Wm. Lemkin feels, for in glaring type on the cover is the words "Beyond the Stratosphere" by William Lemke, Ph. D. There is also a trivial mistake in the spelling of A. R. McKenzie's name. I hope you do not take these criticisms as those of an ill-natured crank. for they are not meant to be so. After all if no one ever pointed out your mistakes, the magazine would never improve. In closing, I express the desire to see more of Keller's narratives among the pages of AMAZING STORIES. Yours sincerely, ROBERT A. MADLE, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Penna. (The editor is not sure whether Pluto is a really major planet. It is very probable that more planets will be discovered in time. As far as we are concerned, the term "mag" for AMAZING STORIES is more than allow able-_we like it, and shall hope to see it often. You have noticed the term "Our Magazine used by writers of letters. This too we like. Thanks for your criticisms, –EDITOR.)
Amazing Stories, December 1936
FARLEY TOPS AGAIN Once more THRILLING WONDER STORIES comes through in good style Although most of the stories were only average, two of them stand out as being excellent, The first, "Liquid Life," by Ralph Milne. Farley, is one of the best yarns I have ever read. The other is "Rhythm of the Spheres," by A. Merritt. Your artist evidently doesn't bother with details. The monster on the cover is described as being 12 feet in length. On the cover it is about 24 feet long, in proportion to the man. It is also supposed to be red in color with purple eyes. But outside of that it was a very good cover. -Robert A. Madle, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Penna.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, December 1936
Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "In the current (October) issue, Dorothy Quick's eery horror yarn receives first place in my estimation. Following The Lost Door comes the last part of the last Conan adventure, Red Nails, by the inimitable Robert E. Howard. Howard's death is certainly a blow to weird fiction. I'll miss his stories of that super he-man, Conan."
Weird Tales, December 1936
More Jules de Grandin Yarns Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "I was quite satisfied with the stories in the November WEIRD TALES. Witch-House by Seabury Quinn, one of your most clamored for writers, is a magnificent piece of literature. Jules de Grandin never becomes dull or uninteresting, no matter how many stories he appears in. I am anxiously awaiting the appearance of another story by Mr. Quinn, and the sooner it is printed the better I'll like it. Robert E. Howard's Black Hound of Death was not quite as interesting as those stories of Conan the Cimmerian. The Dark Demon, Robert Bloch's latest story, waS really weird. That is a typical example the type of story you should devote more to. The other stories which constituted the issue were also fine stories, especially Pickman's Model. That was another real weird tale."
Weird Tales, January 1937
A Pennsylvania Reader Writes That He Had Some Trouble or Delay Rather in Getting His Copy of the Magazine. There Was Absolutely No Reason for the Delay on Our Part Editor, AMAZING STORIES: Even though the October issue of A. S. was quite late in publication, it was an excellent one. You know, that's quite embarrassing--coming out late, I mean. Every day for three weeks I visited the magazine store and asked "Did the AMAZING come to-day?" only to receive the answer "No, but I believe it will be out to-morrow." The proprietor of the store must have believed me to be slightly "tetched in the haid" as Snuffy Smith would say. Anyway, as you already know, good old A. S. arrived in good style. The cover was good, although I don't believe John W. Campbell would portray such a ship in his story. He is far more practical, anyway he usually uses molecular propulsion, or something similar to propel the space crafts which he uses in his yarns. But maybe I'm wrong, I haven't read the story yettwo months is much too long to wait to conclude the yarn. After reading the story I came to the conclusion that "The Human Pets of Mars' was the most outstanding story in the issue. Our very excellent authoress, Leslie F Stone, has a way of writing which never fails to please me. The story was quite amusing, especially when "mister" throws Brett against the wall in order to teach him to "come here." The next best tale was W. K. Sonneman's interesting story of bee-life. I thought this author's "Masterminds of Venus" very good, but "His Majesty, the Queen, 19 mean "The Council of Beenes, pardon me, even that. Besides being interesting, the facts on bees were educational to those who never had the chance to study anything about them. By all means, keep this author writing! L. A. Eshbach's second story in the series of "The Earth, Venus and Mars Transportation Lines" was as interesting as the first, "The Meteor Miners." Even though the science is practically non-existent in this type of story, they make interesting reading. Most of your readers buy the magazine for relaxation instead of scientific meditation anyway. Are there any more of this series ready for publication? "Six Who Were Masked," Henry J. Kostkos' contribution, rates a G plus in my estimation. Adding the ratings of the entire four stories together, E, E, G plus and G plus, gives the October 1936 number a solid rating of E(minus), Incidentally, this issue is the best since you degenerated to the smaller size (yeh, I'm another fan who wishes you would return to the more distinguished size of a few years ago). Another thing-_what about another Reprint Quarterly? Two years have elapsed since the publication of the last one. Is there any chance of one appearing soon? In the last year AMAZING STORIES has climbed from third place to a tie with for first place. All you need is smooth edges to be the leading science fiction magazine. Adios until next issue. ROBERT A. MADLE, 333 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Penna. (Practically all of our readers like Mr. Campbell's works so you are with the majority. Miss Leslie F. Stone has developed in a few years into a very favorite author. Mr. Sonnemann's story of Bee Life is especially valuable as there is so much of the real life of bees described in it. As you say the facts in the story were educational and there has been a great deal of study given in the past to these insects. One factor in our change in size from the large to the small was that many objected to the large one. They seemed to have been a feeling too, that the large highly colored cover attracted too much attention and the change to the smaller size, which is really a library size, has been approved of by many. EDITOR.)
Amazing Stories, February 1937
MATHEMATICS DRAMATIZED By Robert A. Madle Having perused the December issue of T. W. S. I wish to offer the following comments. The most interesting story was un. doubtedly "The Brink of Infinity." But it wasn't science fiction! Weinbaum's story was purely a mathematical problem dramatized. But it was an unusual one, and surely (Continued on page 124) (Continued from page 123) made interesting reading. Campbell's initial appearance in T. W. S. with The Brain Stealers of Mars" was a surprise. I expected to read a hackneyed story of the lowest order; but instead it contained an unusual plot, well written. *Mutiny on Europa" was fair. I have only one word to Europa" say in reference to "Island of Dr. X" by Echols and that word is. -33 E. Belgrade St., Philadelphia, Penna.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1937

In Thrilling Wonder Stories (v09n01 p.116) an article ran about The Science Fiction League that gave a brief account of the proceedings of Philadelphia chapter. This was the organization that was eventually to become The Philadelphia Science Fiction Society.

PHILADELPHIA Our first annual reorganization meeting was held at the residence of John V. Baltadonis, one of our most active members. This meeting was certainly the most successful one the Philadelphia Chapter has witnessed in its one and one-half years' existence. For this meeting the entire enrollment turned out, which is indeed a rarity, In addition, a visitor from Brooklyn waS present, In the person of George R. Hahn, a hitherto inactive fan. The meeting was called to order by Milton A Rothman, the Director. Robert A. Madle brought up the subject of electing new officers, which evoked favorable comment from the members. By a unanimous vote, Mr. Rothman, the capable Director, was reelected Director for the forthcoming year. Oswald Train became Treasurer and Mr. Madle was elected to the post evacuated by Raymond Peel Marriella, that of Secretary. Following this, a small fan magazine which we are publishing became the topic of interest. This magazine, although hektographed at the present time, will appear in a printed format in 1937. Many famous authors and fans will be featured, such as David H. Keller. Ralph Milne Farley, Donald A. Wollheim, etc. Charles H. Bert commenced general discussion on science fiction when he asked "What do you think of the Van Manderpootz series?" The result of this question was that everyone present considered those stories among the best of Stanley G. Weinbaum's masterpieces. Especially liked was "The Ideal." The Chapter, although slow in getting a good start, is now well established and meeting are held every other Saturday night at the residence of Mr. Rothman, 2113 N. Franklin Street. In addition to being an active science Action fan, Mr. Rothman is quite interested in science and can speak interestingly on practically any scientific subject. Al member residing in Philadelphia are urged to communicate with Mr. Rothman, at the above address.
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Science Fiction League, February 1937
The Theater Upstairs  Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "*Although the cover of the December issue is not as delicately drawn as Mrs. Brundage's beautiful pastel sketches, it is much more weird-looking, and corresponds with the title of the magazine. Of course, the entire contents pleased me immensely, but praise is directed especially to The Theater Üpstairs, by Manly Wade Wellman. Even though the inevitable happens to the main character, it held my attention from the beginning to the end. It is a curious fact, but did anyone ever notice what the usual outcome of the short stories is? Nine out of ten times the character is killed off in some eery method, but it does make the story more effective. I notice that John Russell Fearn has finally decided to write weird fiction, and I believe he will become one of the masters."
Weird Tales, February 1937
Fate Weaves a Web Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "Glad to see a cover by Brundage graces the January number, instead of J. Allen St. John. Not that I consider St. John's drawings poor, but that I think Mrs. Brundage's crayon sketches are more beautifully done. However, I am expecting Virgil Finlay's forth coming coming cover to surpass even Brundage's designs. I think Fate Weaves d Web by Alfred I. Tooke was the outstanding story this month. Mr. Tooke has written a very clever piece of fiction, one that I will remember for a long time. H. P. Lovecraft, as usual, turned out an excellent tale, with the horror element prevailing. More of this type will be welcome."
Weird Tales, April 1937
The March Cover  Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "The cover of the March WT is quite attractively drawn. The colors are well chosen, and that black background lends an air of horror to it. Mrs. Brundage is certainly an excellent artist; one comparable to that master, Virgil Finlay. Their cover illustrations and interior drawings make WEIRD TALES the most attractive magazine on the stands. Keep them working. In the present issue the three outstanding stories are: The Last Archer by Earl Peirce, Jr.; The Guardian of the Book by Henry Hasse; and The Brood of Bubastis by Robert Bloch. Finlay's illustration for Hasse's eery yarn was about the best he has ever drawn. He certainly can depict the undepictable."
Weird Tales, May 1937
We Can Only Say We Are Glad You Are Here Again  Editor, AMAZING STORIES: Here I am again, and as I am here I might as well give my criticisms, pro and con, of the December issue of AMAZING STORIES. First of all I must shower Leo Morey with praise for that magnificent cover illustration. It is probably the best he has done since the Aristocrat of Science Fiction degenerated into the present small size. The scene is a very good one. (I always did prefer a picture of the interior of a rocket ship to other picturizations.) Why, the figures even look realistic for once. The image of Zurek in the television should make any girl's heart go pittity-pat. Aside to Mr. Morey; keep up the good work! And now we come to the stories. As a whole they were good, but "The Time Control," by Philip Jacques Bartel was the best. Now that I think of it, the aforementioned story was very similar to a yarn published a few years back. I believe it was entitled "When Time Stood Still," but I can't recall the author. Pardon me while I proceed to my treasure chamber, where all my science fiction magazines are kept, and I will endeavor to find the author's moniker. . Here I am back again and guess what? The author who wrote "When Time Stood Still" is none other than our friend, Mr. Philip Jacques Bartel! Although the stories are different in the action and plot, the very same method of time-traveling, or should I say "time standing still' is employed. The same characters also appear. Maybe Mr. Bartel is planning to write a series based on the same idea; if so, go to it! Bob Olsen's contribution, although not up to his usual standard, is worth reading. Speaking of Bob Olsen, reminds me to ask for some more of those fourth dimension stories, such a8 "The Four Dimensional Eseape, 39 "The Four Dimensional Auto Park. er, " and others similar. "Devolution," by Edmond Hamilton is almost tie for first place. The idea imparted is very original and refreshing after reading a story with a plot like "The Space Marines and the Slavers." Although the idea is a little far fetched, I liked it. Incidentally, I have had a story with the same name, but a different plot, published in a science fiction fan magazine. The two remaining stories were only fair. I would especially like some stories by Philip Francis Nowlan, Stephen G. Hale, Jack Williameon, A. Connel and last, but surely not least, Dr. David H. Keller, who wrote some of the most outstanding s-f stories ever written. The one which remains in my mind is that masterpiece "Life Everlasting." I'll wager you didn't receive one derogatory remark concerning that story. ROBERT A. MADLE, 333 E. Belgrade Str, Philadelphia, Penna. You will be glad to know that Dr. Keller has with us a story written in his usual characteristic way and which will soon appear in our columns. We agree with you completely in all you say about this author's story "Life Everlasting." As we are a bimonthly we are limited in the number of stories we can give.--EDITOR)
Amazing Stories, June 1937
Robert A. Madle, of Philadelphia, writes: "Virgil Finlay's second cover is even better than his initial outside drawing. It would please me immensely if you continue to alternate with Margaret Brundage and Virgil Finlay on the covers. Whatever you do, don't lose either of them. They are the best cover artists I have ever seen, and their drawings make WT appear much more attractive that other magazines."
Weird Tales, July 1937

Obits, et al.

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