I ran at the Warrior Dash and Run For Your Lives and now I’m becoming obsessed with obstacle runs. Run For Your Lives really opened my eyes to their potential. After giving it some thought, here’s a list of geek themed athletic events that I don’t have the time to make happen but I would… Continue reading Science Fiction themed races that must be created
Category: Ramblings
Introduction to running from zombies
At the request of “Tequila” Matt Black, our reluctant director of mischief: this is a post for Zombie Troopers of Pennsylvania members about how I got started running and about how to get into shape for Run For Your Lives. Matt says that he never runs because he’s not being chased… when the zombies come,… Continue reading Introduction to running from zombies
Fake X-files novels
I found these this past weekend on the GreenTentacles servers: Backstory: Keith DeCandido (interview with him on Space Westerns Magazine) was having a bad day with random rumors and he mentioned how in the thread someone was complaining about his X-files novels. Of course, Keith has never written an X-files novel. I made these fake… Continue reading Fake X-files novels
I have altered the Star Wars saga…
…pray that I don’t alter it any further. With every new addition George Lucas keeps making tweaks to the Star Wars movies. From the classic “Han shot first” scene and adding Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett in Episode IV, through to his most recent tweaks in the new blu-ray release due to be released… Continue reading I have altered the Star Wars saga…
I know what I’m gonna do today
If you weren’t already aware of it, go watch Phineas & Ferb. I highly recommend it. Here’s the intro, which sums up the show better than I can: It’s smart, funny, witty, subversive (but not in a crass or mean-spirited way) and speaks to my inner geek. It also has great musical numbers: Yesterday was… Continue reading I know what I’m gonna do today
Why blog, why now?
Blogging has been around at least since 1997. The actual term “blog” wasn’t coined until 1999. In 2004 it became Merriam-Webster’s #1 Word of the Year. I even took a stab at a journal on LiveJournal, mainly to keep in touch with friends and writers who were already on it, but I lacked the desire… Continue reading Why blog, why now?
Getting my house in order
You deserve an explanation. An explanation as to why I haven’t, among other things, answered an e-mail, called a friend, attended a convention, or updated any of the fiction markets that I operate (and/or other websites) in quite a long time… I bought a house. This is a good thing! I haven’t died; I’m not… Continue reading Getting my house in order
Pardon me, I fell off the face of the Earth
I was gone. People noticed. Things happened. Decisions were made. Stuff was purchased. Now I’m returning. Apologies are given. Explanations forthcoming. It’s not like it’s the end of the World.
Darrell Schweitzer on South Park?
Did Darrell Schweitzer, noted Fantasy author, Weird Tales editor, Lovecraft scholar, and Philadelphia native appear in the latest cthulhu/lovecraft themed episode of South Park? Compare to this photo of Darrell by Kathryn Cramer: Watch the episode “Mysterion Rises” and look for him at 16:27 and 18:52. I may be wrong, but they’re eerily similar.
I’m normal!
As of yesterday I’ve trimmed the final few pounds to hit a normal BMI (at 163 pounds)—I’m a size S again. It’s a royal pain to have to go out and buy an all new wardrobe, especially since I’m still trying to lose a bit more weight, but my XL clothes need to be retired.… Continue reading I’m normal!